User Research Best Practices

Nash UX Workshop Info

Workshop Scenarios

Commute Planning & Traffic Navigation

Do you dread the daily commute to work or appointments, especially when you encounter heavy traffic and long travel times?  Mobile apps for navigation and commute planning can provide real-time traffic updates, alternative routes, and estimated travel times, helping users make informed decisions to avoid traffic jams and minimize commuting stress. Such apps can also provide public transportation information, ride-sharing options, and carpooling services to make commuting more efficient and less frustrating.

Appointment Scheduling and Waiting

Many people dislike the process of scheduling appointments, whether it's for a doctor's visit, hair salon, or restaurant reservation. Additionally, waiting in long queues at the doctor's office or restaurant can be frustrating. Apps can provide convenient scheduling and virtual queue management systems, allowing users to book appointments and receive notifications when it's their turn, reducing wait times and frustration.

Workshop Techniques


    Identify a topic for consideration. 

    Gather a data set (research findings, ideas, etc.)

    Record each item on a separate card or sticky note. 

    Form a team of collaborators and pick a facilitator

    Have one person describe, then place, an item.

    Invite others to place similar items in proximity. 

    Repeat the pattern until all items are included. 

    Discuss and rearrange items as groupings emerge.

    Label the clusters that finally take shape.

    Helpful Hints

    Don't label the clusters too early. They may shift. 

    Look for opportunities to create subgroupings. 

    Consider using color to code different types of data. 


    Helps you identify issues and insights

    Reveals thematic patterns

    Facilitates productive discussions

    Builds a shared understanding


    Identify a topic for consideration. 

    Assemble a diverse group of stakeholders. 

    Give each participant a pen and 3 sticky note pads. 

    Explain the topic and the color key. 

    Rose = Pink (indicates things that are positive).  

    Thorn = Blue (indicates things that are negative). 

    Bud = Green (indicates things that have potential). 

    Instruct each person to generate many data points. 

    Include one issue, insight, or idea per sticky note.

    Helpful Hints

    Tell participants to write multiple items per color. 

    Resist the temptation to describe solutions here. 

    Limit the time frame and the amount of discussion. 


    Helps you codify research data 

    Invites input from all team members 

    Facilitates productive discussion 

    Helps you identify issues and insights

Cover of presentation


I added notes to the slides. Let me know if you see something I need to clarify


Here are 6 resources related to UX Research that I found helpful. I also keep a running spreadsheet of Design Resources.

Innovating for People Handbook of Human-Centered Design Methods

Luna Institute’s design skills handbook – the source I shared for Affinity Clustering and Rose-Thorn-Bud methods.

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

By Nir Eyal. Learn how to apply the research on motivation and decision-making to the design of websites.

UX Booth: Remote User Interviewing Basics

Basics with good tips on conducting one-on-one interview sessions where a researcher asks questions about any user-related topic.

Essential Metrics for Click Testing

This quantitative research firm’s blog is full of useful articles related to usability testing and UX topics. This recent article is a straightforward lesson on click testing to measure effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction on a web site or app.

Modern UX Research in Action: 10 Research Stories

A free ebook with 10 stories from actual research by major companies. Published by, a UX research firm with online testing services so it’s not 100% objective but well-written with usable techniques.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative:

LinkedIn Learning course on when to use each research method. (Use the free Nashville Public Library Education subscription for Davidson County residents – not sure about rules for other counties.)