Ditch the Spreadsheet

NurseBackpack Beyond the App


ROLE Product Director


4 women sitting in a coffee shop around a table talking

Enterprise Version

Demoing our new app at medical conventions gave us the chance to collect feedback from our target users - nurses. But we also discovered we were just a step away from a version to serve the "other side" — employers.

  • Empower teams and Increase accuracy 

  • Automate outreach and scheduling

  • Keep management informed with responsive dashboard

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams

  • Build stronger team and client relationships

Spend less time recruiting and scheduling and more time staffing the best people in the right place. 


Nurse Backpack Process

timeline with 6 steps for app and enterprise design


Staying up-to-date with nursing certifications is critical but complicated. Nurse managers and HR spend too much time manually managing the paperwork.  


Hospitals and medical centers in the US have strict credentialing requirements for all staff. States add their own requirements. And it was basically a paper-based system until 2018 when we introduced NurseBackpack. NurseBackpack was designed to put all that paperwork on their phone. (I have a case study on that too.) After people learned about it, hospitals, schools, staffing agencies, and other healthcare-related businesses wanted an enterprise version for themselves.

happy woman headshot, blazer and blouse professional attire

Primary Persona

The target user persona for the Enterprise version flips the priority used on the app

Nursing Manager

Plays the role of command central—providing support, recognition, just-in-time information, a calm hand and cool head in emergencies, and advocacy for patients, families, and staff. Has been around long enough to live through the EHR transition but has yet to see the same technological innovation - or investment - applied to staff records.

My Role

  • UX research

  • UX & UI design

  • Project Manager


  • Axure

  • UserZoom


The inspiration was quick and the next steps were obvious, but I interviewed nurse managers, nursing school professors, and staffing agencies to make sure the design would fit their needs.

  • Paper copies of dozens and dozens of medical staff are a headache and error-prone

  • Our app was designed to sync with the same credentialing requirements hospitals and medical centers must follow

  • Expanding the database to serve multiple users with administrative functions was a very manageable next step


I used the low-fidelity wireframes for some user testing.

  • Management requires scheduled and on-demand status reports

  • Colleges want professors to be able to track students' progress

  • APIs to connect to staffing systems are complicated but critical to be a feasible solution for hospitals, staffing agencies, and colleges


I already had experience designing healthcare staffing web apps. I took that knowledge and approached the design with a reverse-engineering approach from the credential app.


Once the usability issues were resolved, I moved on to consider the brand style. The design needed to be neutral to support white labeling.

  • Stayed with Nurse Backpack branding

  • Easy scanning and in-line edits

Document & Communicate

I was moving on to another adventure so I carefully documented the functionality and style guide so the next team could continue without missing a step.

phone, laptop, and desktop with Nurse Backpack Enterprise screen designs